The Association is the national authority on clay bricks and pavers. Our 13-strong membership accounts for almost 100% of the sector’s productivity here in the UK. Our role is to communicate the collective interests of our members and to ensure their products remain the material of choice in the UK’s built environment.
From the breadth of product range and economic contribution offered by our largest, multinational members, to the bespoke craftsmanship offered by our smallest, local members, that which our clients have in common is a resolute commitment to manufacturing products of outstanding quality and developing one of our nation’s most successful, sustainable supply chains.
The Brick Development Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England 944844.
Our members work together for the benefit of the sector and the wider industry, collaborating on important subjects such as brickwork standards, sustainability and public relations, and in so doing provide invaluable, collective expertise. To view the sector's statement on the issue of modern slavery, click here.
For further information about the Association and our work, speak with one of our friendly team on 0207 323 7034 or email
All press related enquiries should be made directly to
Bricks are made from natural materials; created by extracting clay from the earth, mixing with water, cutting, firing and drying to form all manner of shapes, sizes, colours and densities, all of which can change entirely the material's aesthetic. Most people who grow up in the UK will have enjoyed the warmth and certainty of a clay brick home and it may for them hold a subtle, almost nostalgic quality.
A mainstay of our construction industry, clay brick has existed for thousands of years with evidence of its use dating back as far as the Roman Empire. An abundance of raw materials and a well-established domestic supply chain facilitated the proliferation of clay brick and continues to do so, complemented by extensive choice and the population's affection for it. Clay brick is a material ever-prevalent across the UK's built environment today and is considered to be a fundamental ingredient in contemporary architecture.
Between them, our members produce a a huge range of brick types, over 2,500 types of product in fact. It is possible to commission almost any size, shape and aesthetic of brick from a UK manufacturer.
Developers favour the component for its tolerance, versatility and availability, as well as the obvious commercial benefits of longevity, and its simple application in property developments of all sizes and sorts. Clay-brick built homes represent a sound financial investment with access to finance and high resale values. Residents know that a brick home will last a lifetime, two or three, with very little maintenance and a high degree of flexibility when it comes to altering or extending for growing family needs.
But it takes more than functional benefits to become the nation's most loved building material. We all find comfort in the familiar, especially when that familiar is a feeling of certainty. Certainty of safety, of warmth, of a long future. This most humble of building units stands the test of time because despite the obvious beauty and technical feats possible with modern brick manufacturing, essentially it continues to do what it has always done: quietly provide us with comfort and surety.